Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's been a little while since I have blogged my frustrations out so here goes everything that I am dealing with.  I found out after a year of trying to move from living room to bedroom that I don't get to move into the one I want because my uncle, his girlfriend, her niece, the nieces baby and one on the way will be moving into the small space.  This sucks!! I don't like them moving in and pushing me to the side of everything I wished I could just move out onto my own and not have to worry about others moving in and out of the house.  I was told that I could move into a room but it's small and hardly any room for both my little one and myself plus all of our stuff, what am I going to do?? I may sound a little selfish, childish, whatever right now but seriously this isn't fair I want a descent size room seeing as I have been living here for a whole year by myself and they just up and move in and get the nice room once again.  O did I mention that I was given a choice to stay in the living room and just block it off for privacy? Seriously what kind of privacy do you get, everybody could hear my t.v and all my phone conversations.  What if my little one wanted to sleep and you decided to make noises that would be your fault if she woke up so no I want a room.  grrr this aint fair! I need a descent job to move out on my own and be able to afford all my bills so I don't have to deal with this kind of stress anymore.  O well I guess I have to just deal with shit as it happens.

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