Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the green monster..

Have you dealt with that green little monster called jealousy?  I know I deal with it every once in awhile, and just lately I have come to realize that it's an evil little monster.  It makes you want to scream and cry, you just want to lock that monster up in a closet let it never come out.  Even though some people won't admit they get jealous I know that they are lying because we all have been at one time or another.  The question is how do you deal with this problem?  Well you can get mean about whatever you are jealous over or you can just deal with the issue at hand calmly.  Sometimes it may sound a little fun just to kick and scream and hopefully get what you want but in all reality that's just being childish.  So what am I going to do about my jealous monster? For now I will just keep it bottled up until the right time and deal with the issue later.  Any suggestions on how you handle your green little monster let me know because it might help me.


  1. I think the green monster is just a refection of an insecurity you are feeling about your self and then you spend too much time thinking about it that it becomes that monster... if its something you want to change then change it... if its something you cant change talk to him about how your feeling... he is a follower so if you dont know how to explain or express it to him in person you can blog it or even write an old fashion letter on real paper.. I'm so happy this is helping you.. And until you are ready to give people your blog info... I will deny knowing it!!! Love you Ray and I'll always be here for you and so will Tim

  2. =) i love you both and thanks for the help =)
