Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Me and my life

My teenage life wasn't too hard up until I made the decision to be with my babies daddy, things were good in the beginning, good enough to even get engaged! ! Well that didn't last too long, because after a year of being together things started to get rocky between us. We ended up breaking off the engagement because of some arguments that got too heated and I just couldn't handle it anymore.  We tried staying friends and all that ended up being was friends with a little too much benefits, and I ended up getting pregnant.  I had found out I was pregnant on March 16th 2010 and was a little scared to find out his reaction, but all I got was an "Ok what do you want to do?"  I knew I couldn't go through with abortion so that was out of the question and he wanted to put the baby up for adoption.  The question was could I carry this baby for nine (ten) months, feeling it kick and hiccup inside me and than just hand it over to the new parents?? well I had a feeling that would be the wrong thing to do and to try and stick it out.  So that's what I did, I practically handled the whole pregnancy alone (when he felt like being around he was). On top of that I had my baby two months early, she was put in the NICU for a month and the whole time I think her dad only seen her a handful of times.  When she was brought home nothing really changed between him and I, in fact he would only come over at nights to supposedly help with the bottles and diapers and than leave first thing in the morning.  When she was four months I decided he should just stop coming around because he was doing some stuff I didn't want around my little girl, and ever since he hasn't been around much until lately.  hmmm, well that is the easiest way I can explain my life as of now, keep posted for more information and fun facts about what is happening.

P.S my baby girl is doing great!!

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