Wednesday, May 4, 2011

drifting away on tears

Where do I begin?  One minute i'm ok and the next my thoughts just flow into sadness and anger, over what?? Over everything like being a single mother and having to deal with the father of my baby being in and out of her life, keeping my job I hate so much so I can make sure my baby has clothes on her back and to add the stress of trying to act happy all the time.  My emotions fly so high that it's hard to deal with reality sometimes, can I just run and hide in a closet for a little while? Or will that make me feel even more alone?  I know family and some friends are standing beside me there to catch some of my tears and calm my anger but sometimes that's just not enough.  My smiles are on my face to hide the pain on the inside, I am happy for the most part but there is a part of me that just doesn't know how to handle life so it just turns into jealousy, pain, anger etc. and when it does I just break down.  If I crumble into little pieces will you be there to tape the pieces back together?  I love everybody who is there for me and who helps life me when i'm down, do you feel the same way?


  1. I Understand what your going through, I've been faking being happy and ok for so long I'm not sure I know how to be really happy anymore... and I guess i'm pretty good @ it if everyone thinks i'm fine and there is nothing wrong... as for the mood swings it could just be having to take on so much on your own, or it could be something more serious like a Chemical imbalance in the brain also know as Bi Polar... I'm Bi polar... If you ever just need a break or to get away i'm just a text away... even if its just to use one of our vehicals to go sit at a park or go for a drive to clear your head... I normally put head phones on to some Angry ass music and type until the anger is gone.. But if you need to get away you know I trust you enough to use our cars.

  2. thanks that means alot to me. i appreciate the trust it seems like nobody has trust in ppl anymore, i mean some ppl dont deserve trust but for real it means a lot =) i will definetly take your advice on how to handle a little better and how do you honestly find out if your bi-polar? take tests and stuff on your brain or something...

  3. yes there is a test they can do, you've got medicaid go see a therapist they should be able to help
