Sunday, May 15, 2011

screw you!!

I'm so sick and tired of people talking shit about me and my life.  It's all just because they don't have anything better to do with their life than bitch and talk shit about other people because they hate their own lifestyles.  Well guess what it's time to stop putting my name in your f***ing mouth! Don't assume someone is gay or doing something just from what they post on blogs or facebook, whatever it is you're looking at because what people say or do can mean something totally opposite from what you think it is. For example just last night some dumbass thought I was gay just because i put a post not too long ago "I woke up to my gurl what a good feeling" or something like that. Well HELLO  you know I have a baby girl so why aint you using your brain? I woke up to my daughter and was happy!  Seriously stop stealing, taking so much pills for the hell of it and get a job.  Get something better to do with your time than to talk shit or treat your own family like shit, you say everyone is sick of my shit, i dont see how most of the family don't talk to me or see me anymore cause i keep to myself. but you guess what buddy there are a lot of people who don't trust you in their house and wish you would stop your shit, why do you steal and lie? why do talk shit none of it is worth it.  Plus to mention when was the last time you cared about your own flesh in blood, and im not talking about the ones around you. there is another one out there who doesnt even want to see you, he despises you for not trying to fight for him. you just gave up on him without a fight you could have tried harder for him but instead you thought his mom was a b***h or something so stoped caring. what a good way to live your life is not fighting for whats right.  Look i may be a bitch but i am doin everything i need to do in life to take care of my baby alone and at least me being a bitch i won't be used as a damn doormat to you or anybody else in life ever again.
PEACE OUT ASSWHOLES!!    i'm done with this shit, you want b***h you have one. stay out of my life

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